A good snow year is also a test of vehicle performance

Heavy snow is what gives the New Year’s atmosphere and the coming year is bound to be a fruitful one. Heavy snow also leads to a lot of vehicles can not run normally, lack of power, tire skidding, resulting in dangerous driving, diesel fuel will solidify in low temperatures, resulting in the vehicle can not start, etc., are common problems. 

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The trucks introduced to you today can still be driven on the road even in the harsh weather of wind, frost, rain and snow. Road slippage on the one hand is the lack of power, on the one hand is the lack of tire grip, this truck adopts the 190 hp (optional 210 hp) engine, powerful, while using six-wheel drive, six tires can be powered at the same time, tires are used in special cross-country tread tires, coupled with the vehicle’s self-importance, the grip is naturally also powerful.



It has done various tests in harsh areas such as mountains, swamps and deserts, and is capable of handling all kinds of road sections. The engine is also equipped with a cold-start function, which has been tested and can start smoothly in a minus 41°C environment, and can be used at high altitudes.





Post time: Feb-19-2024

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