City leaders come to our company to guide our work -expressed recognition of our company’s export business in the first half of the year

Last  week, Chairman Zhu of Shiyan Municipal Committee of the CPPCC , Chairman Zhu, Chairman of the Maojian District CPPCC Gold, Secretary of the the District Committee Zhang, and  Direct  Zhang of the Commerce Bureau and his party visited our company to guide our work.


The leader took care of our company’s export business and relaated content this year.


The manager of our company introduced the basic condition of our export this year and recently new order.


Secretary Zhang, the district committee, express great import to whether our export business was affected by recent epidemic.


After listening to the report of our company manager, the leaders of the urban area were satisified with our company’s business, and their face filled with gratufying smiles.


Post time: Jul-26-2022

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