Dongfeng 140hp clearance truck-Dongfeng 4×2 Road Rescue Clearance Vehicle

Clearance trucks are mainly used for emergency road rescue.Vehicles traveling on the road, if the temporary failure can use the clearing truck to transport.

Dongfeng 140hp clearanec truck

 this one,converted from Dongfeng light trucks, can be loaded with 3 tons of clearing trucks.

Yellow four-wheel drive clearance truck export

I will introduce to you, the use of this truck. This clearanec truck, uses the Dongfeng Cummins 140hp engine. Modification we installed a winch,

Dongfeng 140hp clearanec truck Dongfeng 140hp clearanec truck-Dongfeng 4x2 Road Rescue Clearance Vehicle

Small trailer spare tire, outline lights. The chassis adopts 4 thick non-slip pattern plate. Heavy holes to reduce weight.

Yellow four-wheel drive clearance truck export

The operation is done in the rear cabin. At the rear we have a trailer rack, not only can you carry a car, can also tow another car in the back.

yellow clearance truck four wheel drive clearance truck

It’s very convenient to carry two cars. We have a toolbox in this area. The toolbox is equipped with two slots.

Dongfeng truck export truck expore

The slots can be used with the holes on the base plate of the truck to achieve a support function.

Post time: Jul-25-2023

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