Dongfeng 4*2 Trash Truck Parameters Video

It is a new direction of the development of the compressed garbage truck to have the full automatic control of the tipping mechanism. In developed countries, especially in Western Europe and the United States, the compressed garbage trucks are equipped with advanced bucket tipping mechanism, which can easily realize the automatic grab, lifting and unloading of garbage cans in different positions. Many cities in our country have adopted the bucket collection, but the technical level and flexibility of dumpster tipping equipped with garbage trucks is not high. The bucket tipping mechanism of some foreign compressed garbage trucks can “stay away from the carriage” and grab the garbage can flexibly and actively. However, the bucket tipping mechanism of domestic garbage trucks generally cannot stay away from the carriage, so it is necessary to place the carriage close to the garbage can, which brings difficulty to the driver.

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Post time: Feb-25-2023

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