Dongfeng EQ2100 Fuel Tank Truck Refilling

Emergency handling measures for steering failure

When the steering is suddenly out of control, the driver can not use emergency braking when the vehicle and the road in front of the situation allow to maintain a straight line, should immediately lift the accelerator pedal, grab deceleration, uniform and hard pull the parking brake to assist;

When the speed is significantly reduced, gently press the brake pedal and stop slowly and smoothly. When the vehicle has deviated from the straight direction of travel, the accident has been inevitable, should be decisive continuous brake pedal, so that the vehicle as soon as possible to slow down and stop, as far as possible to shorten the stopping distance, reduce the intensity of the impact.

At the same time of taking emergency measures, warning signals can be sent to other vehicles and pedestrians passing on the road, such as turning on the danger alarm lamp, turning on the headlights, honking the horn or making gestures.

Emergency handling measures for brake failure of oil tanker

In driving, it is easy to appear brake pipeline gas resistance, rupture or brake fluid, gas pressure is insufficient, leading to brake failure, failure phenomenon, posing a threat to driving safety.

When drivers find sudden brake failure and failure of vehicles, they should be calm and calm, hold the steering wheel firmly, immediately lift the accelerator pedal, implement engine drag braking, and avoid obstacles by steering as far as possible;

At the same time using parking brake or “grab” methods, try to slow down and stop;

If the hydraulic brake vehicle, it can step the brake pedal continuously for several times, so as to produce the braking effect due to the accumulation of braking force. The parking brake can not be used to tighten the joystick, a tightening is easy to “lock” the parking brake disc, damage the transmission parts, loss of braking force.


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Post time: Feb-03-2023

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