There are Ten Good Things About Driving a Truck. EQ3092 in Factory

There are ten good things about driving a truck.

One, never get up late.

Truck drivers are used to staying up late, drivers take turns to sleep, sleep a few hours to continue to drive, in order to make money, do not have to worry about getting up late.


Second, travel the world on a budget and be well-informed.

The truck driver pulled the goods everywhere, all over the country, but also to see the sea and mountains of the motherland, although only “passing”, but also better than those who can only look at the picture on the Internet!


Three, you can have Louis Koo’s dark skin.

Many people pay to go to the gym, or to the beach to get a Louis Koo’s healty dark skin, but truck drivers don’t have to. Everyone has a natural tan.


Four, good money saving skills.

Truck drivers know it’s not easy to make money, so they know how to save money. Most of them want to break a dollar in half. Everyone has the good habit of saving money.


Five, cooking and truck repairing skills.

You can’t eat instant noodles all the time on the road. Truck drivers simply bring cookers and pans and learn to cook. The most important thing is that they can solve their own small problems.


Six, everyone has a belly.

Truck drivers are fat, mostly because they eat too much and move too little. They spend half their time in the driver’s seat 24 hours a day. Everyone has a belly.


Seven, truck drivers are good accountants.

Although truck drivers are not rich, but every day they spend five figures on gas, car repair, tire change… There is a lot of accounting skill needed every day.


Eight, being the boss of yourself

Truck drivers have their own office in their cab, leather seats are air bags, high comfort, there is a concubine bed behind, this working environment, boss treatment!


Nine, take meals anytime as you wish.

One of the great things about truck drivers is that they can eat whatever they want, whether it’s a box lunch, instant noodles, or cooking for themselves, and stop and eat whenever they’re hungry, without having to accommodate anyone.


Ten, you can bring your pet to work.

Truck drivers are allowed to take their dogs with them to prevent gas theft. The whole family works together.


Post time: Dec-28-2022

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