Preparing for the Alibaba Global Trading Market

Established in 1999, Alibaba International Station is the first business segment of Alibaba Group. Alibaba International Station has become the main platform to promote the digitalization of foreign trade. It has served more than 26 million active corporate buyers in more than 200 countries and regions. It is one of the first choice network platforms for export enterprises to expand international trade by showing and promoting suppliers’ enterprises and products to overseas buyers, thus obtaining trade opportunities and orders.



Our company is in preparation to launch the Alibaba Global Trade for our products.As the world’s largest B2B cross-border e-commerce platform, Alibaba International Station Logistics has covered more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and will integrate and resonate with ecological partners to redefine global freight standards through digitalization. “Door to door” service capability is one of the key directions: goods are pulled from the factory to the domestic port, customs declaration, by sea, land and air into the overseas port, customs clearance, tax payment, and finally the completion of terminal distribution.


“Alibaba International Station” provides one-stop shop decoration, product display, marketing promotion, business negotiation and shop management and other full series of online services and tools, to help enterprises reduce costs, efficient development of foreign trade market.


Post time: Jan-10-2023

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