Refuelling Truck Modified by Dongfeng EQ2100 Off-road Truck Multi-function Chassis

Summer is approaching. Recently, our company has exported a batch of Dongfeng EQ2100 Six wheel drive refuelling truck modified by EQ2100 off -road truck chassis.

Dongfeng Six Drive EQ2100 Truck Modification
Speaking of Dongfeng Six wheel drive off -road truck, the first thing you think of must be the classic Dongfeng EQ2100 off -road special vehicle. The excellent off -road performance of this vehicle is praised many domestic and foreign drivers and friends.

Dongfeng Six Drive Refuelling Truck Export
In addition, the chassis of this car can be modified to commercial off-road vehicle, such as water tankers, oil tankers, dangerous goods transport vehicles, refrigerated vehicles, etc.
Today I will introduce Dongfeng EQ2100 chassis modified oil tank transport vehicle.

Refuelling Truck Road Test
The size of the vehicle is 7680 × 2440 × 3165mm, and Wheelbase is 3500+1250mm.

Dongfeng Six Drive Refuelling Truck
The tank volume of this vehicle is 10m³.

Dongfeng Six Drive Truck
At present, the batch of vehicles have successfully passed various road trials and are ready to send to the port.

Dongfeng Truck Part
We are committed to providing every customer with handy, practical and durable off-road vehicles.

5Dongfeng Six Drive Refuelling Truck Export

And at the same time, we can customize various off -road transport vehicles according to your needs.

Dongfeng Six Drive Off-road Truck Chassis

Post time: May-30-2022

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