Shandong export company to our company to inspect the selection of products customized export vehicle

Yesterday, four representatives from Shandong Import & Export Company visited our company to inspect and select products. General Manager Yang Zongfang and the team explained the model parameters to the representatives.


Shandong export company came to your company to inspect the selection of customized export vehicles, in order to understand the parameters of your models, related configurations, as well as the strength and technology of your company. They hope to find a suitable partner to customize our cars as export models.


The main purpose of Shandong customer’s trip is to inspect our company’s customized export models of flathead and pointed cars. During the inspection process, the representatives of Shandong export company understood the vehicle model parameters and related configurations, and clarified the model of the required products.


They also expressed their recognition of our company’s strength and technology. This shows that our company has high professionalism and technical level in car customization and can meet the needs of Shandong Export Company.


Shandong export company’s visit to our company may be an opportunity for business contact, and they plan to strengthen business contact with us in the later stage.


Shandong export company’s visit to our company for selecting customized export vehicles is a good opportunity to expand business and enhance brand image. Through the cooperation with Shandong export company, your company can further expand the market share and enhance the brand influence.


This inspection, Shandong representatives of our strength and technology is very recognized, plans to strengthen business contacts at a later stage, I wish this cooperation a complete success!

Post time: Nov-21-2023

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