Unveiling the armored vehicle as an example of a six-wheel drive long-headed off-road armored vehicle

Today to our company long head six drive armored vehicles as an example, together to discuss the relevant knowledge of armored vehicles, armored vehicles can be divided into different types according to the use, the common ones are armored personnel carriers, also known as armored transport vehicles, 

 Six-wheel-drive off-road cargo truck

refers to the transport of infantry in the battlefield armored vehicles, generally with high speed, lower protection and combat power and other characteristics. In addition to transporting infantry, APCs can also transport supplies or provisions, temporarily acting as armored supply vehicles.

protective off-road special vehicle

Armored reconnaissance vehicles, referring to armored vehicles equipped with reconnaissance equipment, faster, vehicles to be thin, mostly used for battlefield reconnaissance, generally can be divided into two types of wheeled and tracked. More famous armored reconnaissance vehicles, there are German fox type light armored reconnaissance car, bobcat armored reconnaissance car, France’s VBC90 reconnaissance car and so on.

6X6 customized version of protective armor truck

The armored command vehicle is a mobile command station with armor protection, providing the commander with supporting staff and other personnel to coordinate matters related to the force. The Armored Command Vehicle is a structure derived from the early truck or trailer-based mobile command, and is intended to provide command units with rapid movement, 

6X6 customized version of protective armor truck

continuous situational awareness and command orders, and some protection. Most armored command vehicles are converted from armored personnel carriers, expanding the interior space to accommodate additional personnel, communications equipment and other equipment. Upon arrival at the intended command location, some APCs have additional canopies that extend out to further expand the space available to personnel.

off-road cargo truck

Armored minesweepers are armored vehicles equipped with mine clearance devices to assist ground forces in moving through mined areas at extended speeds. Armor minesweepers can be specially designed to clear mines, or the clearance tools can be attached to the chassis of a general purpose tank, either on wheels or tracks. Rather than clearing the entire discovered mine area, armored minesweepers are used to clear one to several safe lanes of the mine area to provide safe passage for ground troops and vehicles.

off-road special vehicle

Cleared mines may be detonated in the process or moved to a safe location for additional disposal. Since the clearance process may result in the vehicle touching or detonating other mines or explosives not yet found, the vehicle itself requires special protection for the undercarriage and vehicle floor to avoid being paralyzed by mines or explosives and unable to complete the clearance task.

protective armor truck

Armored bridge vehicle, refers to the armored vehicles equipped with bridges and their erection, withdrawal devices, mainly used to quickly build bridges, so that troops quickly through the river, armored bridge vehicle is commonly equipped in the engineering unit. Armored bridge vehicles can be converted from general tanks or self-propelled artillery chassis, some will retain machine guns for defensive purposes.

6*6 vehicle

Police armored vehicles are sometimes used to control demonstrations and protests when they turn into uncontrolled riots or mass violence. Generally have a water cannon function, and the windows are specially manufactured, not easy to break. Most of the police everywhere have armored vehicles to prevent riots.If you are interested, welcome to consult with us, our company can customize diverse models according to customer needs.

Post time: Jun-26-2023

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